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1075 Pro Stock Wheel GRA1075

1075 Pro Stock Wheel GRA1075

Part#: GRA1075

Price: $99.00
No Cord - Cord Installed:


1075 Pro Stock Wheel GRA10751075 Pro Stock Wheel GRA10751075 Pro Stock Wheel GRA1075
1075 Pro Stock Wheel GRA10751075 Pro Stock Wheel GRA1075

1075 Pro Stock Wheel GRA1075 Product Description:

This new wheel is and up-date version of the very familiar #773 Series Wheel. It features an all double hand-stitched vinyl wrap that has a matte black finish so similar to leather that it is hard to tell the difference. It also features our new Diamond Grip in the 3 & 9 O'clock positions and has the yellow top marker.

All Wheels Available with JBRC5503 or JBRC5503A Stretch Cord Installed
Parts and labor to install cord in any wheel
 (Single Cord installed add) $79.00
 (Dual Cords installed add) $158.00
Please specify left, right side or dual